VIII Strength

Do you ever just take a moment and let yourself answer your own question?

Sometimes guidance comes from the quiet.

Before beginning this blog I ask myself/my cards “What do I need to hear today?” And Strength bounded in like the beautiful fiery lion that graces this very card.

I like to pull the age old adage, “trust your gut” when I think of Strength. Our primal instincts are so deeply intertwined with our intuition and in this case, when Strength finds you, it allows for a true marriage between instinct, passion, and intuition for full guidance.

Encourage the practice of presence.

Am I meeting my baseline needs from thirst, hunger, warmth?

Can I move on and see what else I desire? Deserve?

Strength finds you when you meet your needs, align with your intuition, and trust your ferocity. Inevitably, we all have small or large weights of self-doubt at any scale in our lives. Do we take the moment to let ourselves be engulfed so that we may wade through or do we throw the weights of insecurity into the fire and watch it burn? Neither are bad choices, so long as we do something with whats holding us back.

This is a reminder that our strength is always with us. It can manifest in a variety of ways from physical, to emotional, to spiritual, and that aligning with the present, accepting our limitations but gracefully pushing our edges is where we truly move forward.

And so it is.



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