6 of Swords

This is the second time in the past few days the 6 of swords has offered itself up to me in a reading. Last week I was giving an email reading to a friend searching for some guidance around relationships and new opportunities. Of any swords card—the suit of intellect and challenge, I truly welcome the 6 of Swords.

Fitting also, that I began this reading during our first of two new moons this month (a rarity) and this year, as this card is about the invitation of t r a n s i t i o n (I know the spacing out of words for emphasis could be a little played out, so, it stays!). We deal with transitions big and small everyday. The shifting of time, day to night, night to day, a shifting of energy, from awake then asleep, or maybe shy to aroused. We can deal with social transitions—change of relationships, moving, new jobs, taking on new projects. And of course physical transitions; Birth and Death. Transition can mark the grand opening towards healing and spaciousness.

6 of swords invites us to step into this new journey of true agency by releasing the burdens you have grown from, the trials you’ve moved through, and the patterns, energies, and thought-forms you’ve put to rest. Sovereignty with oneself is ultimately what is guiding our healing and movement, should we chose to let it.

I love indulging in the freshness and possibility that lies with transition. I like to think about the opportunity waiting upon that horizon I know I could be making my way towards. I view this type of internal work as the greatest opportunity for self-determination and the truest form of choice. We make the most of it when we are present, curious, and invested in the truth of ourselves.

And so it is!



5 of Wands… again


VIII Strength