Queen of Cups

Happy Virgo Season and happy almost end of summer. I have been trying to get in as much summer play as possible. Full moon swims, dancing and camping out in the woods, grilling, and using as much daylight for my musings and chores to feel really productive.

Last month I meditated on a partner of this month’s card—Knight of Cups. Now today, I get to ponder Queen of Cups with you. Knight of Cups is in touch with our own feelings, inner world, bringing curiosity to self. Queen of Cups is turning all of that energy outward to our community and world and each other.

I’ve always found a sister in Queen of Cups. I love to tune in and witness with care those around me. I find how easy it is to engage connection with almost anyone if we spend time listening and spend time sharing. We get to build roads together that we can meet and pass each other on. I like to look at my interactions that way because kindred connection is built on curiosity and boundaries of those involved. How have you been nourishing your connections this month? Are you filling up your own cup first? There’s always enough to drink, we just have to share. I head into my Birthday Month tomorrow and I’d love to celebrate with you and cheers with full drinks.




7 of Wands


Knight of Cups