Knight of Cups

Hello lovers,

We’ve reached the end of July already! This month has flown by for me. It’s been full of gracious connections, unexpected meetings and dalliances, and a bit of intentional slowing down to smell how sweet the flowers get in the warmth of the sun.

It’s been SO fun to sit with the Knight of Cups this month. A true romantic of the Rider Waite tarot. I have been given the chance to deeply romance myself and my creativity this month. I’ve been working on quite a few personal projects that have been so heartening for me and more are currently in the works! These days are filled with early rises and everlasting sunsets that have kept me so perky. How about you?

I’ve loved being able to be encouraged around action by the Knight of Cups. Because, what is a knight if not a person of action and follow through? You don’t get to wear the title without the work! It has been a great reminder that potential is nothing without initiative. We can have all the best ideas and fantasies in the world! But without pushing ourselves to movement then it just passes us by, and potentially into someone else’s hands.

In little ways everyday, I am reminded that this is my one, precious life and I want to make sure I can experience as much of it as possible. Big or small, how are you allowing true experience for yourself these days? I hope you’ll tell me in our next session together.




Queen of Cups


Enter the Sun