Nine of Wands

I had initially pulled this card a couple weeks ago and couldn’t finish my initial draft. Curious, as this card signifies how close one is to the finish line. Nine of Wands also comes as an acknowledgement of how much one’s resilience has been tested along the way. You could be facing adversity from others or merely facing life challenges that make you question your own plans or prosperity. But the real message of the Nine of Wands is that the universe and those surrounding you have your back, and your struggle can and will be championed by your well boundaried vulnerability and strength.

Tarot is such a clever tool. It may not tell you the answers you want to hear but you will receive the answers you need. Nine of Wands, for me, stands as an acknowledgement of my efforts, my challenges, and my perseverance through what comes my way. Being witnessed, being seen, is a necessity in fueling our resolution and determination. While I would have loved for a merely celebratory card, this is the one that keeps my foot lifting to the next rung of the ladder.

May however this card resonates for you in your current circumstance sit with you well. We all need the reminder that we’re not alone, we should keep trying, and trials and set backs are often an opportunity for growth.

And so it is



The Devil


4 of Wands