4 of Wands

Normally when I am preparing for writing this blog I ask a pretty opened ended question like, “What card do I need to learn about today?” or “What message do I need to hear?” This blog is about my own personal exploration with tarot so I like to keep question and theme pretty loose to be open to the education.

This morning I chose to focus on something specific for myself and without giving too much personal information away, four of wands showing up is a true delight (and a relaxing of bated breath) for me.

Four of wands is cause for celebration. I believe it is inviting me to give thanks for my current situations with community, loved ones, and home. It is an invitation to honor the commitments of community and be open to receiving new ways of connecting. Four of wands is beckoning me to recognize my work and achievements and offer gratitude to all that makes up my support system from the celestial to the terrestrial. Goals are attained, milestones met; in general, four of wands is just an official party invite to celebrate you and all that you love and commit yourself to. Let’s boogie!

And so it is



Nine of Wands


5 of Wands… again