Knight of Cups

“The cup he holds in his hand is the Holy Grail.”

The Knight of Cups is here to sweep us off our feet. Idealistic, romantic, maybe even a little corny, our Knight is is on the thrilling quest for love. I love how love takes many forms. This month love took the shape of many sunny days, galavanting around New York, getting to see and planning to be able to eventually see some of my absolute favorite clients, and nurturing my creative side in a much more intimate way.

I’ve felt deeply inspired to write even more often in my personal life; filling up a journal a kind client gifted me last year, tapping quickly on my keyboard emails of advice to loved ones, and poetry in my notes app. I am grateful for this inspiration to romance my life more often.

The Knight of Cups often shows up when potential should be looked at and risks should be taken. Find ambition and drive and just fucking go for it. The seeds have been sprouting and now is the time to nurture them with care. The ability to focus will come soon as long as we remain open and dedicated to our goals and ideals. Love is the best fuel. Fill up.

And so it is



3 of Cups


it takes Strength