Ace of Wands

Many of us joke about January feeling like the longest month of the year, but with no doubt February is actually the shortest. I feel like I barely got a grip on this month and it’s already passed! Time waits for no one, but I am happy to have reached the end of February to share my reflections with you.

My deeper introduction into tarot via many teachers opened me up to a different understanding of tarot’s purpose. The cards aren’t telling you what to do or think. It is a tool, an invitation, a welcoming into themes and ideas that you might already be dealing with or are on their way. Ace of Wands, the first card of the minor arcana, is no different. This card is a welcoming in of creativity and a blossoming of ideas. An invitation to trust in birthing new projects, ideas, collaborations, or just a new way of thinking.

I’ve been needing this type of giddy encouragement in my life, maybe you have too. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we are craving permission. Permission to shine, permission to feel, be seen, take up just enough space. Ace of Wands says, “please darling, bring your brilliance to the world.” Permission is often necessary in our daily interactions with the world, even the internal interactions with ourselves. Permission dances with the possibility of rejection. It may not work, it may not be good enough, but without the risk, how do our edges expand? What I’ve sat with in being with this card for the last month is that I find my best growth in the humbling of vulnerability, expanding myself to lead with my heart, explore, and lean into the inspiration that finds me. Even if that inspiration is fleeting or silly.

So, I take this lesson to heart and wrap it around me. A cloak I’ll wear as I continue to explore myself and my world. It’s giving me a lot of fun ideas I hope to share with you in the future. Keep a look out for word of my travels and sharing of different kinds of content. There’s so much we can be in this world. I’m going to try as much of it on as possible, and I share that permission with you too.

And so it is



it takes Strength


It’s 2023 and my Knight of Swords is here…