Two of Wands

I bet you’ve had dream that takes hold of you from time to time and it seems as though it’ll never let you go. Maybe for months, years, decades, even. You think, it should stay a dream because it’s so out of your reach, out of your connection to resource, or doesn’t seem like it fits in with your particular path. But, what if the Two of Wands is saying, it does.

What if you are always looking for signals to see if you should pursue it and then when you don’t get the “right” sign, you breathe a sigh of relief because you think you can forget about it. 

There are certain dreams, themes, and challenges that refuse that answer from you.

Right now is likely a potent time for change. Channel those inner desires of pushing past your threshold and discovering wanderlust in your deepest self. This doesn’t necessarily mean jaunting across the world or quitting your job (though it could be!) I believe it it’s a call to excavate all your wildest and freest desires and find what you actually want to make come to fruition. 

But this is about the long game, honey! Two of Wands invites you to embrace your dreams with a plan, after all, what you put into this is a part of the gift too. Here, you get to make decisions that you feel are going to best suit your goals and purpose. Do not let this beautiful opportunity pass you by!

I’ll leave you with some of my dreams. I would love to continue writing and get published, maybe poems, a novel, short stories! I’d love for my organizing groups to find solid ground in the incredible work we do and make some real change in the safety of workers in WA and hopefully propel others nationwide. I dream of a life filled with little work, a lot of joy, and serving and helping others help themselves. I hope this encourages you to take stock of some of your dreams and what you (and others!) can do to help make them a reality.




The Color of Comfort


7 of Swords